Monday, December 31, 2007

This was an interesting article. For the most part, I did agree with a lot of it. The one part that i want to talk about is the banning of the book. I do not think there is reallly any reason for this book to be banned. After reading it, I saw the signifigance of it. I do not think that Holden is exactly a bad role model for kids. I think in a way he shows readers how it is bad to be the way he is. He did not exactly have a great life, so it is not like the book portrays his behavior as the good way to be. Everything in the book had a meaning to it. All of the profanity was not added in just to be there. There was a signifigance to it. For example, the writing on the walls that he tries to cover up. This is showing how he wants to preserve the innocence of children and protect them from seeing that. I know that I see that all the time written all over in public.
I like the part in the reading where it says that Holden seems almost not like a character, but a real person. It is true. The way that he speaks in the book, it seems like he is really speaking to you and for me that had a good effect on me while reading it. I think this is a good book for teenagers to read because most teens probably have at least a little part of Holden in them.


The Jaguar said...

I thought that was a pretty good paper. And really I wish I knew most of the stuff I know now freshman year ha. I thought the part about the movies on a first date being a bad idea to be especially true! Overall I think it was a good paper and it was enjoyable and funny to read.

NJ-Flies said...

It's interesting seeing the paying issue from a females perspective. I never really got a full grasp on that. Very good essay, I could so relate to almost everything.