Thursday, December 6, 2007


Fathers are busy people. They always have something going on, wether it be going to work, doing work around the house, or even just watching that important baseball game on tv. I know this first hand because my dad is just about always busy doing something. Luckily though, we both share a passion for softball. No matter how busy he may be, he always finds time for softball.
Playing softball is a great chance for me to spend quality time with my dad. Enjoying softball is one thing that we both have in common. He took me to Modells to get my softball mitt. We looked at many different mitts. Some were too hard, or too big, or just too expensive. Finally, after looking at a lot of different mitts, we found the perfect one. It was a wilson mitt. It was very flexible and soft, unlike many of the others that I had tried out. It was made out of leather, so it smelled so good. It fit me perfectly; not too big and not too tight. I had finally found the perfect mitt for me, but what really made that day special was that it was a special time for just my dad and I.
My dad taught me how to make my mitt a little more comfortable for me. We put leather softener on it and then we put a softball inside of the mitt and put it underneath my mattress. I did not know a lot of the rules of the game, so my dad helped me learn them a little bit before I started. My dad would always help me practice throwing, and catching, and batting, even though at the time he had a really bad shoulder.
When the season started, my dad came to just about every one of my games. I could tell that it made him proud that I was playing softball, although I was not all that good when I first started. My dad and I have always been pretty close, but softball is just one thing that brings us closer together. Everytime I put on that mitt and I head out to centerfield, I think about how this mitt inspires me to make my dad proud.


Bran-Man said...

WILSON!!! Haha.

Anyways, sports always have a way to get closer to fathers. You and your dad found a sport you were both commonly interest in. That glove must mean a lot to you and I bet every time you wear or look at it, you feel like you're dad is proud of you. That's unique, I hope you never lose that glove.

The Jaguar said...

This story reminded me a lot of when I got my first baseball glove with my dad. I remember the whole conditioner, and putting the ball in it and leaving it under the mattress. I think you did a very good job of writing this so that other people can relate to it. I also get the sense that the glove is definately something very important to you and I think you did a great job of conveying that through your writing,

Anonymous said...

I really liked reading this because not only did you do a good job writing it, but I feel I can relate because me and my dad are the same way- we both like to play softball and some of the memories you mentioned are similar to the ones I had since I was younger =]. I think it's awesome how you can have both your favorite sport and family combined into a single object.