Thursday, January 17, 2008

Rules to Have a Good Date

One of the biggest stressers for teenagers in America is dating. Just about every teenager is going to experience the stress, and excitement of a date. In this essay I am going to explain some ways that you can make the dating experience a good one. For this, we are just going to assume that it is your first date, because they are always the toughest. Once you actually get to know the person, dates are not nearly as stressful.
First things first. You want to have some ideas in mind of what you could possibly do on the date, before you ask the person. You don't have to come up with exactly what you are going to do, but having some ideas in mind helps to avoid the awkwardness of asking the person, and then not having any idea of what you are going to do. If you do not have any ideas in mind, you will most likely end up making yourself look pretty awkward because usually the person you are asking is going to expect you to at least have some ideas. Note: Movie theatre is not a good idea, at least for a first date. If you want to get to know the person, which you most likely do, sitting in a dark theatre not talking at all is not the way to do it.
Now, when you ask the person, you tell them some of your ideas. You want to give them options, because this way you can both discuss together what you would like to do, and find something that you both would enjoy equally. This way, if you guys do not have too much chemistry, at least you both will enjoy what you are doing.
You want to have money(yes, even if you are a girl). Just because you are a girl does not mean the guy has to pay. If you are asking the other person on the date, you want to be prepared to pay. Most of the time, the person who asks is the person who pays. Now, we can pretty much bet that the guy is going to offer to pay, so you should just split so that he can feel like he is at least contributing a little bit.
Do not show up late for the date. This will most likely make the person feel that you are not very interested in them. This will not be a good start of the date, which means it is likely that there will not be a good ending either.
The most important thing to remember while you are on the date is to be yourself. If you cannot be yourself around the person, there is no point in going on the date. You do not want to try too hard to make the person like you. A few little things you want to remember: Do not put on too much perfume/cologne. A small amount is fine, but do not think that a lot of perfume/cologne will make them like you more, it may just choke them. Some people think it is great to bring along a friend on the date. This is not a good idea. It will just make the other person feel awkward; they are not on this date to date your friend. Do not take over the conversation by talking about yourself too much. Give the other person a chance to talk, and that way you will get a chance to learn some things about the person. Also, compliments are nice, but too many compliments can just make a person feel awkward, especially if you do not know them well. Think about how you feel when someone gives you a compliment who you do not know well. One or two might make the person feel good, but an abundance of compliments may make them feel uneasy. Then they will not be able to really tell whether you are giving them a true compliment, or if you are just trying to butter them up.
Another very important thing to remember is to listen to everything that the other person is saying. You want to be able to respond to things that they are saying so that they know you are listening and know you are interested in them. It won't seem like you are very interested in the person if you do not listen and respond to what they are saying. That will not make them feel important, but you want to make them feel like they are important to you. Flirting is nice, but too much of it can make you seem too desperate. It will seem like you are trying too hard. You will know while you are on the date when the time is appropriate to flirt, and as the night goes on maybe you could flirt a little more if the date is going well to let the other person know you are very interested in them. Make eye contact with the person while you, or the other person, is talking. This lets them know you are listening, and can also sometimes be a good way to flirt, but it is not an obnoxious flirting. It just lets them know that you are interested in them.
Now, probably the most important thing to keep in mind is that you were happy before you met this person and before you went on this date, so if things do not work out on the date it is not the end of your world. There are going to be many other chances to go on dates with other people. If you follow these rules of dating and the date still does not work out, it is nothing you did, you guys just were not meant to be.


BlueFlame said...

I thought this essay was very informative and well thought out. I liked how you were able to keep it equal for both girls and guys and not lean towards giving more advice to one or the other. Very well written and I think anyone who is preparing for a first date would definitely benefit from reading this.

starrynights987 said...

i thought this essay was also well thought out and written. it had good language in it. i also found it very informative and very true (especially the part about the movie theater). anyone who hasnt been on a date would definitely learn a lot from this. nice job!

Soulja Boy said...

I really liked your paper. All your tips area actually very true and are good to keep in mind for future dates. I've tried all of the things you mentioned and some worked while others didn't. Good paper!

Ms. H said...

Nice job warning of the pitfalls of certain choices a person might make. Good advice!