Monday, December 31, 2007

This was an interesting article. For the most part, I did agree with a lot of it. The one part that i want to talk about is the banning of the book. I do not think there is reallly any reason for this book to be banned. After reading it, I saw the signifigance of it. I do not think that Holden is exactly a bad role model for kids. I think in a way he shows readers how it is bad to be the way he is. He did not exactly have a great life, so it is not like the book portrays his behavior as the good way to be. Everything in the book had a meaning to it. All of the profanity was not added in just to be there. There was a signifigance to it. For example, the writing on the walls that he tries to cover up. This is showing how he wants to preserve the innocence of children and protect them from seeing that. I know that I see that all the time written all over in public.
I like the part in the reading where it says that Holden seems almost not like a character, but a real person. It is true. The way that he speaks in the book, it seems like he is really speaking to you and for me that had a good effect on me while reading it. I think this is a good book for teenagers to read because most teens probably have at least a little part of Holden in them.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Color Poem

I am yellow like the sun. A bright sunny day can almost always make me happy.
I am white like the snow, so peaceful as it lightly floats to the ground.
I am blue like my best friend's eyes. I know she will always be loyal to me, as will I to her.
I am black like the night sky. It will always be a mystery what is really out there.
I am orange like my brother's popsicle stick. He has all the energy in the world.
I am red like my boyfriend's favorite sweatshirt. He gives me strength even at my weakest points.
But most of all, I am brown.
People normally do not like the color brown; it is considered an ugly color.
But I think it is a wonderful color.
It is a simple color, but it brings so much comfort to my life.
My mom has beautiful brown hair,
and everytime I am with her, I feel comforted.
The trees are brown,
and I am so lucky to live in an area with so much nature.
When my mom makes brownies,
our house seems so welcoming.
My baseball mit is brown,
and that brings my dad and I closer together.
Hot cholcolate on a snow day;
that is one of the best feelings ever.
Brown is a very important color;
it makes up a big part of my life.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Fathers are busy people. They always have something going on, wether it be going to work, doing work around the house, or even just watching that important baseball game on tv. I know this first hand because my dad is just about always busy doing something. Luckily though, we both share a passion for softball. No matter how busy he may be, he always finds time for softball.
Playing softball is a great chance for me to spend quality time with my dad. Enjoying softball is one thing that we both have in common. He took me to Modells to get my softball mitt. We looked at many different mitts. Some were too hard, or too big, or just too expensive. Finally, after looking at a lot of different mitts, we found the perfect one. It was a wilson mitt. It was very flexible and soft, unlike many of the others that I had tried out. It was made out of leather, so it smelled so good. It fit me perfectly; not too big and not too tight. I had finally found the perfect mitt for me, but what really made that day special was that it was a special time for just my dad and I.
My dad taught me how to make my mitt a little more comfortable for me. We put leather softener on it and then we put a softball inside of the mitt and put it underneath my mattress. I did not know a lot of the rules of the game, so my dad helped me learn them a little bit before I started. My dad would always help me practice throwing, and catching, and batting, even though at the time he had a really bad shoulder.
When the season started, my dad came to just about every one of my games. I could tell that it made him proud that I was playing softball, although I was not all that good when I first started. My dad and I have always been pretty close, but softball is just one thing that brings us closer together. Everytime I put on that mitt and I head out to centerfield, I think about how this mitt inspires me to make my dad proud.