Saturday, March 8, 2008

Genetic engineering

Sience is bringing to us so many new and great opportunities. Genetic engineering is one of these new opportunities, but not eveyone believes that it is very great. The topic of genetic engineering has brought much conflict to our society. Where should we draw the line? I believe that if we could eliminate diseases and sicknesses then we should do that. When we begin to use this opportunity for cosmetic reasons, rather than medical reasons, then it has gone too far.
There are some positive medical ways that genetic engineering can be used in our society. Using this to eliminate certain sicknesses is a great opportunity for our society. The embryos can be screened for sickness such as cystic fibrosis or if it has a risk of cancer. This could potentially keep many people from having cancer or other serious sicknesses. Why bring someone into the world knowing that they are going to have cystic fibrosis, or have a good chance of having cancer. If the child is going to have a sickness they may not even live inside the mother, or they will be very sick when they come out and may not even live for long. It would be better to stop the embryo from becoming a child if we know it is not going to be healthy.
Genetic engineering also allows couples to have babies who are not able to have them on their own. Everybody should b e able to have their own child. Genetic engineering makes that possible. Having a child is probaby on of the most amazing experiences a person will go through, and genetic engineering allows anyone to be able to experience that.
Although there are some very positive things about genetic engineering, the society needs to think about how far is too far. It is good to use genetic engineering for medical reasons, but when society begins using to for cosmetic reason then we have gone too far. If a couple is trying to bring a child into the world, they should only be worrying about having a healthy child. They should not be worrying about what their child is going to look like. If everyone could choose what their child looked like, it would just lead to more than that. They would then start wanting to choose their skills are how smart they are. If sociey puts no limits to genetic engineering, then it could have very bad results. There would probably end up being no competition in society. There would be no strive for people to better themselves because they would already be perfect. They would be created with perfect good looks and talent and they would never strive for anything better. People would end up being pretty much the same. Society may even end up being like Brave New World. People would have no freedom to think what they want or to be what they want to be. Our society would be so boring.
Genetic engineering can provide us with great help in our society, but there needs to be a limit put on what we can do with it. Once we start using it to make our babies good looking, or using it for any cosmetic reasons, we probably are not going to stop there and it will get out of control. Genetic engineering is good for our society if it is limited strictly to medical uses only.